Questions and answers

How can I order from the Corsoela onlineshop?

You will find detailed instructions under “Ordering process”.

How are the Corso Stollen packed?

We pack the stollen carefully and securely so that it reaches you or your friends or acquaintances in the same quality as when it leaves our premises. First we wrap it in foil paper. Packed in this way, we place it in a decorative box. This is then placed in a very sturdy shipping box. The stollen is thus packed absolutely securely and reaches its recipient in top quality.

Is it possible to specify a shipping date?

During the payment process, you have the option of specifying a dispatch date in the comments field. We will then ship your order on this date, provided that payment has been received.

Which logistics partners are used to ship the products?

We use the company DHL for shipping. As the delivery is passed on to third parties, their terms of service and delivery apply. Please also note our general terms and conditions.

Do you have any further questions?

Please send us an e-mail.